Introducing The Reactor…

EMP Money
6 min readAug 26, 2022


The Reactor is one of the biggest updates to the EMP ecosystem to date and it is about to launch! Modelled on the Detonator, one of crypto’s most powerful ROI contracts, the Reactor takes all the features of the Detonator, including the most recent updates and provides an extremely lucrative additional use case for EMP’s ESHARE token.

By locking your ESHARE-BNB liquidity pair tokens into The Reactor you can enjoy generous daily yields, a chance to win the daily raffle bonus and a chance to double your deposit through the largest deposit bonus and Win-It-Now features. These impressive features exist in the latest version of the Detonator and help to make it one of the most powerful ROI contracts in crypto.

Reactor whitepaper

How Does The Reactor Benefit The EMP Ecosystem?

By providing an additional use case for the ESHARE token through a powerful contract like The Reactor, it provides extra demand for the ESHARE token. This in turn helps provide buy pressure on the ESHARE token price, while at the same time building deeper liquidity for ESHARE in the form of increasing the TVL of the ESHARE-BNB liquidity pair. Through the locking feature of The Reactor, this will also help create more scarcity in the ESHARE token, which can add even more buying pressure to the ESHARE token.

By increasing the potential buy pressure and token price appreciation of ESHARE, this value will also flow through to both the ETH-EMP and ESHARE-BNB farms as their yield emissions are in the form of the ESHARE token.

These are just some of the benefits and the list extends well beyond what is mentioned above, which is why the EMP team is so bullish on the introduction of The Reactor into the EMP ecosystem!

Exclusive Whitelist Earlybird Opportunity

For a chance to get in early into Reactor before the general public, there is a highly coveted whitelist opportunity on offer. Being an early entrant gives you the exclusive benefit in the form of the instant rewards generated from the general public deposits.

When the Reactor opens to the general public and as the general public deposits into The Reactor, all earlybird whitelisters will be allocated a portion of the instant rewards from those deposits to help them build their position even quicker in The Reactor. Compounding multiple times within the first few hours of Reactor can dramatically boost your deposit value (just ask those people who got in early on the Detonator launch).

By increasing your deposit value it helps build the number of lottery tickets you receive when compounding daily, plus it can increase your share of the daily rewards which in turn increases the amount of LP you can compound and claim. In short, you do not want to miss out on getting in on The Reactor whitelist opportunity.

How Do I Qualify For The Whitelist?

There are two whitelist opportunities available:

The Reactor Kilo Node Earlybird Group: Buy fresh EMP (using EMP already in your wallet will not qualify) and use that EMP to purchase a Kilo node both in the allotted window of time to receive a whitelist spot

The Reactor Nano Node Earlybird Group: Buy fresh EMP (using EMP already in your wallet will not qualify) and use that EMP to purchase a Nano node both in the allotted window of time to receive a whitelist spot.

The window of time you have to purchase your EMP and then your node will open on Thursday the 25th of August at 6pm EDT (10pm UTC Thursday) and will close on Friday the 26th of August at midnight EDT (4am UTC Saturday). Selling of EMP within this window will disqualify you from whitelist entry.

Once you have made your purchases within the window of time, to confirm your whitelist spot you will need to submit the info below on our EMP Discord group.

  • Your wallet address
  • Time of EMP purchased
  • Type of node purchased

For easy access to submit this info please click on the link below:

>> Reactor Whitelist <<

Look for the “🚀·reactor-whitelisting” channel if the link does not take you there directly (some mobile users)

From there the EMP team will then check your wallet transactions to verify that you have bought EMP and the node both within the allotted window of time, and once verified you will be able to see your wallet address on a whitelist spreadsheet. Once verified you will also be able to access a special discord channel for whitelisters. Two channels will be created, one for Kilo node purchasers and one for Nano node purchasers.

Access to Reactor will open up in a sequence relevant to which whitelist group you are in and then the general public. See the access times below.

Reactor Access Schedule

  • Access for EMP Army Members & EMP Partners — Saturday 27th August, 11:10pm UTC (7:10pm EDT)
  • Access for EMP VIP Members — Saturday 27th August, 11:20pm UTC (7:20pm EDT)
  • Access for Kilo Node Earlybird Group — Saturday 27th August, 11:30pm UTC (7:30pm EDT)
  • Access for Nano Node Earlybird Group — Saturday 27th August, 11:50pm UTC (7:50pm EDT)
  • Access for General Public — Sunday 28th August, 00:10am UTC (8:10pm EDT 27th August)

To access The Reactor at these above times, an access link will be posted in the Discord earlybird channels at the respective times above. Once you click on the link, you will be taken to The Reactor page where you can make your deposit and start compounding as you see the instant rewards come in.

By making whitelist entry based on the purchase of EMP, this will in turn help support the PEG, which can add additional value to the ESHARES you have purchased to enter The Reactor. So it’s a win-win all round!

What do you do now?

  1. Wait for the allotted time window to buy your EMP and Node. Selling of EMP within this window will disqualify you from whitelist entry
  2. Submit your wallet address, time of purchase of the EMP and type of node purchased in the discord channel
  3. Wait for verification and access to the special discord channel
  4. At any time during the steps above purchase ESHARE and BNB and create the LP pair so you are ready to deposit when you gain access into The Reactor. Do not sell EMP to buy ESHARES as this will harm PEG and the value of the ESHARES you just bought. We also do not advise breaking your EMP-ETH LPs to enter into The Reactor.

The team at EMP looks forward to welcoming you in to The Reactor, which will be one the most powerful ROI contracts in crypto. Don’t miss your chance to get in early on this excellent opportunity!

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is intended to be considered investment advice. No one, including the author, the team or the publication shall hold responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own research before making any investment decisions. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes only.



EMP Money
EMP Money

Written by EMP Money

EMP.Money is a revolutionary defi protocol on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

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