EMP’s ESHARE Migration

EMP Money
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


You’ve heard us mention the upcoming ESHARE emissions extension for months, and the time has finally come. In our original development plans we wanted to have the “option” to extend ESHARE emissions and purposely launched with approximately 1/3 of the total supply most other “share tokens” have. After we finalized the decision to extend, we had to update the code and therefore release a V2 of ESHARE. The new code base is much more flexible and we should never have to worry about migrating again even if we needed to tweak the emissions schedule.

Our ESHARE Migration has been underway over the past week, and we’re here today to share some important information on the final steps, which you must take manually.

You’ll notice now that there is a pop-up on the site which prompts all users with Liquid Eshare to press a button to migrate. It will kick up 2 transactions.

Transaction 1: is to approve them

Transaction 2: is to migrate your V1 Eshare to V2 Eshare

*If you are still holding ESHARE-BNB LP, please remove liquidity to the LP pair, and then press the button to migrate your liquid V1 Eshare to V2.

All users without liquid Eshare will be migrated automatically, barring those still in the old ESHARE-BNB farm & Boardroom.

This means if you are in Reactor or the Single Staking Eshare Farm, the conversion has happened automatically.

Both Sentinel Squadron & Single Staking EShare Farm pending rewards that are unclaimed, have been migrated automatically.

The Boardroom & Old ESHARE-BNB LP Farm

  • If you have Eshare sitting in the Boardroom, you must withdraw them, and then press the button on the popup to swap them to V2 Eshare.
  • If you have Eshare-BNB V1 LP sitting in the old farm or in your wallet, you must remove it from the farm, and separate the pair (remove liquidity) and then press the button on the popup to swap your V1 Eshare for V2 Eshare.

Other Important Information:

  • As you have noticed the farm rewards were paused during the migration process over the past week. In order to make up for the gap in rewards, the farm emission rate was increased in accordance with the gap in rewards.
  • There is a new version of the EMP-ETH LP FARM on our site. The EMP-ETH LP contract address will remain the same, but you must withdraw your LPs from the old farm, and deposit them into the new one. You will find your LPs in the old farm in the ‘inactive pools’ section.
  • Moving forwards, we are transitioning to primarily only using Magik & DexVaults for our autocompounders as they are the most beneficial for our ecosystem & everyone in it. Both platforms are ready to go with the new farms after the migration.

Here are some instructions to make the transition easier (for those of you who were already deposited):

For Magik: You’ll need to withdraw from the old EMP-ETH LP vault and deposit into the new one.

For Dex: Anyone in the old vaults will see a warning message to migrate. You’ll just need to go to the migration tab and one click the migrate button to be moved into the updated vault.

A reminder of where you can find these vaults:

DexVaults: https://dexvaults.com

Magik: https://magik.farm/#/bsc

Contract Addresses:

ESHARE V2: 0x29c55f1b02a95f0b30e61976835a3eee2359ad92



EMP-ETH LP Farm V2: 0xa27c2b2b439dea43b59060efd2d9820fbc812f97

*Note if you do not add these new contract addresses into your wallet, you will not see the new ESHARE V2 or LP in your wallet when it gets migrated, and you will be wondering where it went. Make sure to get the ESHARE & ESHARE-BNB LP addresses added right away.

**You will have a total of 7 days from today to complete this process. Please act swiftly so that we can make this process go as smoothly as possible.

We had a very in depth AMA on Monday night where we covered all of these topics, answered lots of questions and even did a step by step video tutorial. Click here to watch the AMA.

Our Docs are fully updated with all of the new ESHARE emissions information: https://empmoneyv2.gitbook.io/emp.money/

One of our community members Chris Farrell also recorded an excellent tutorial video on how to move your LPs from the old EMP-ETH LP farm into the new one. You can find that video here: https://youtu.be/QT0pS4lan_I

We know this is a lot of information to process and there may be additional questions or concerns that arise. The best place to get immediate help is our Telegram and Discord Channels. Our amazing army members/admins are always eager to help.

*BEWARE of scammers. Do not respond to any random DMs or phone calls you receive. EMP admins will never randomly contact you in this manner. We will help you through our main public channels.

We thank you for all of your support and patience, and we are excited for this next chapter in the evolution of EMP!! We have some very exciting things around the corner. We couldn’t do any of this without all of you. And we will keep building together.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is intended to be considered investment advice. No one, including the author, the team or the publication shall hold responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own research before making any investment decisions. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes only.



EMP Money
EMP Money

Written by EMP Money

EMP.Money is a revolutionary defi protocol on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) https://emp.money

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