EMP — Trailblazing a New Path with a Game Changing New Nodes Model

EMP Money
5 min readMay 23, 2022

You’ve heard it all before “Nodes are a drain on the system”, “they’re not sustainable”, “one person’s gain relies on another person entering the system”, “someone has to lose for someone else to win.”

We had all the same reservations about nodes ourselves. And that’s why we made it our mission to do something about it.

Here at EMP we’re all about learning from the successes and failures of other DeFi protocols in order to innovate and forge brand new paths that push the boundaries of what’s been done before, with our sound economics, big ideas and our unique thinking.

Our whole ecosystem is based on the principle that everybody wins together. And it’s easy to win, when you follow the blueprint that we’ve designed. We’re big on education, and helping our community members get the most out of their investment. They always have the support and resources they need to maximize their results.

So it’s no surprise that when we introduced our Nodes, they’d be completely different from any other nodes out there! There’s a few key reasons why.

Most node protocols inflate their token and the only way to earn on those protocols is literally to sell the native token. So when that happens, it drives the price down to oblivion because the rewards outweigh the new volume. And that’s why it goes well for the first few weeks or months, but then it dries up because there’s not enough new volume to bring in. So it’s literally a ponzi scheme.

Our nodes operate very very differently.

What we do is back the nodes with our treasury, so a portion of every print from our boardroom goes to the node contract. There’s always fresh capital and EMP going into the nodes contract, and it’s able to keep them sustainable.

A really key point, is that the EMP that is produced through nodes is not produced through inflation. That EMP that is produced through nodes, is EMP that is already in the ecosystem. So all the deposited EMP that’s paying rewards has already been minted through the boardroom. It’s not inflationary like 99% of the other node protocols. And that’s a huge part of what makes our economics so unique.

Our nodes are a sustainable part of our protocol, not a drain on the system. They help encourage our investors that have extra EMP lying around (from boardroom prints, or after taking profit from the Detonator and selling off the ETH portion of their LP), to lock up their EMP, resisting the urge to dump our native token, and they’re earning great APRs as a reward for doing what’s healthy for the protocol.

A lot of node systems also require a tax system to be able to accumulate funds, either for buybacks or burning. Something different with EMP is that there is no tax system for nodes. No tax in, no tax out for nodes.

The APRs of our nodes are variable, and are directly linked to our TWAP (time weighted average peg). This is another piece of the economics that we’ve designed to make these nodes so sustainable. When we’re below PEG, the node APRs are slightly lower. When we’re high above peg, the APRs rise quite a bit. They fluctuate based on how far above or below 1.01 our TWAP is. Every part of their design is meant to be healthy for the ecosystem, and advantageous for the investor.

Another thing that sets us apart, is that if you encounter any type of sell pressure from no emissions with EMP, you have a second backup, which is the algorithm (pegging to Ethereum). If there is sell pressure on EMP, you’re also pegged to ETH, which will pull the price back up. It will still need buy pressure, but not as much, because the algorithm is always working to pick it back up.

We are pegged to the price of Ethereum 4000:1. Not only are we pegged mathematically, based on our algorithms, but because half of our liquidity is in actual Ethereum, it really goes to show that we are fractionalized. We have the liquidity to say that we are fractualized ETH and to actually back that up. So just like Satoshi is the smaller portions of Bitcoin. We look at EMP as the smaller portions of ETH.

What are the node types and how much can you earn?

There are 5 node sizes — Nano, Mini, Kilo, Mega & Giga

All of our node types pay out a juicy 400% ROI, but with each step up, the node above is approximately 9% more efficient than the one below it. The mini is 9% more efficient than the nano. The Kilo is 9% more efficient than the Mini etc.

We like to think of the nodes as a badass collection of Formula One race cars powered by EMP. All nodes are awarded that 400% ROI in EMP to finish the race. However, the bigger your node the more horsepower it will have, and thus finish the race sooner! Having two smaller nodes, equal in price to one bigger one, won’t get you to the finish line any quicker. Because it’s just like having two race cars, both with less horsepower than the more efficient car you’re trying to catch in the race. So one GIGA will ROI faster than two MEGAS.

Nodes range between 500–8000 EMP in price. And one important thing to note is that once you deposit your EMP, your money is locked. You’ll be paid out constantly, until you reach your full 400% ROI, at which point it will be finished.

One of the most attractive parts of this for investors is that nodes can be compounded into many nodes, and the earned EMP can be reinvested into other parts of the system as well.

Our nodes are completely unique, and finally there’s a node model out there where everybody can win. It’s healthy for the protocol, it’s attractive to the investors, and it’s one more of the 10 amazing ways you can earn here at EMP!

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Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is intended to be considered investment advice. No one, including the author, the team, our partners or the publication shall hold responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own research before making any investment decisions. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes only.



EMP Money

EMP.Money is a revolutionary defi protocol on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) https://emp.money