EMP Celebrates Our 6 Month Anniversary

EMP Money


We’ve had a massive 6 months at EMP, and yesterday we celebrated our 6 month anniversary!

Even under one of the worst market corrections in crypto we’ve ever seen, our protocol has held solid and continues to provide best in class returns on ETH.

Our community has grown strong and is only getting stronger. We have had over 3500 people attend our Academy, not only helping our protocol, but also helping us achieve our greater mission of making better Defi users. There is no other space in Defi with a more highly informed & educated group of investors. Our community members take great pride in helping each other learn the systems. And it goes far beyond just getting up to speed on the inner workings of the protocol. We’ve become the go-to place to learn your ABC’s of Defi and beyond! We’ve got some exciting alpha coming in the next couple months so keep your ears perked up for that!

There have been so many amazing moments over the last 6 months and we wanted to take a second to look back at the incredible milestones and accomplishments we’ve achieved, to celebrate together with all of you!

Throughout April we watched our TVL tick up from $10 million to 20, 30, all the way up to a whopping $51.6 million in May!!

At the beginning of May we launched our ETH 3.0 Staking Contract! We’ve been able to offer better returns on Ethereum than just about anyone else out there. And better yet, we’ve been able to do it in a safe manner. We’ve all seen other platforms crumbling around us. Setting up our contracts in an extremely safe and economically sound manner is always of the upmost importance to us. Our investors can sleep sound at night knowing that their money never leaves our platform. We’ve been able to offer a set 19% APR over 3 months, which is approximately 76% APR (100% APY) if you choose to compound, staying in the contract for all 4 rounds. Straight Ethereum in, Ethereum out.

The contract is set to unlock for the next round of investment in 17 days, and we are quite confident that we will hit our investment hard cap, when everyone sees that we are fully solvent and have kept our word with the returns that we promised we would. Get ready for a line out the door and around the corner!

This contract has been an amazing way for us to bolster our Treasury, so we can all win together in the long term.

Towards the end of May we got everyone all kinds of excited when we announced the upcoming launch of our PulseChain sister project Impulse! Impulse will be the first algo project on the PulseChain network, pegged to the price of PLS 1:1. Our community was especially excited to hear about how we’ll be kicking things off with the EMP Treasury participating as a Good Acting Whale in the Genesis Round.

In June, we were blown away to see that Dappradar ranked EMP #5 of all Defi projects on the entire Binance Smartchain by daily active users. Falling underneath solely large exchanges like Pancake Swap. That was truly a moment to celebrate. We always knew EMP would be up there amongst the giants one day, but to see it happen in under 6 months was just mind blowing!

Not long after, we also discovered that EMP was the #22 largest Ethereum holder on the entire BNB Chain, with over 5500 ETH and counting.

In the past couple weeks, we’ve shown that the EMP community knows how to rally together to get behind a project we all believe in. In under two weeks we’ve raised over $518,000 in Liquid Capital’s presale event, landing in the number one spot and bringing in over a quarter of the total raised funds amongst 28 total projects. Not only has this been a great opportunity for our investors, but it’s an amazing way to support EMP’s ecosystem and it’s been an excellent marketing opportunity for us.


Our Detonator contract is the beast that keeps on growing. Our pool balance keeps rising, with no signs of stopping. In fact we’ve seen it grow an average of a whopping 82% per month every month since we started!! New users continue to pile in as well, which is why our user count has seen steady growth month after month as well, with 41.2% more users in the last 9 weeks. The word is getting out!! Some are even calling Detonator the greatest ROI contract to ever be created! The proof is in the pudding.

The Detonator will celebrate its six-month anniversary next month, and we have given away over $2.5 million dollars in lottery and largest depositor prizes since its conception. Another unheard of statistic in crypto. We’ve been able to change countless lives, and that number is growing everyday! Will you be next to get the golden ticket from the Willy Wonka of Defi?

To our EMPerors and EMPresses, it’s because of all of you we’ve had this incredible success in such a short amount of time. As we continue to build during this bear market, we’re set to make millionaires in our community during the next bull market.

If you haven’t yet, join us and see why everyone says we are the most genuine community out there!

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is intended to be considered investment advice. No one, including the author, the team or the publication shall hold responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own research before making any investment decisions. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes only.



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