It’s been an exciting few days for the EMP community as we’ve just announced the upcoming launch of our sister project on PulseChain!
Impulse Money — PulseChain’s first Algo Coin.
The same trusted team.
The same amazing concept.
The same rock solid code & economics
We’re working towards becoming the first and biggest Algo Project on PulseChain!

Our native token IMP will be pegged to the price of Pulse 1:1. Through the seigniorage protocol, you’ll be able to have amazing APRs, while having exposure to the underlying asset.
We’re ultra confident that Impulse Money will be a successful project, because we’ve got all the right pieces in place to make it happen! With EMP we’ve been able to grow massively and continue to see more and more success, because of the transparency and dedication of our team and the community we’ve built. That paired with the economics behind our project, and our commitment to constant innovation.
We have made a reputation for ourselves, as being a team that you can trust, a highly educated community that has each other’s backs, and a project where everybody can win!
Impulse Money is a new project, and PulseChain is a brand new blockchain, but what you’ve come to expect with EMP, you can expect to carry over to Impulse.
We’ve made this launch announcement early because we just couldn’t wait to start building the most incredible community out there! And by the time PulseChain launches, we are going to have the most highly educated investors, who can’t wait to follow our proven systems to maximize their investment while protecting the health of the protocol.
Speaking of innovation….we’ve decided to get the project started in a brand new way that we think is super bullish.
We’ve all seen it before. When a Tomb Fork launches, you see Peg get very high, and then it dumps very quickly. The native token will dump, the share token will dump. And that’s because whoever’s brought into the farm (the genesis side) are sellers.
At Impulse Money, the genesis round will be conducted by the EMP Treasury. With the treasury participating in the genesis, it will highly reduce the sell pressure at the beginning, that you would normally see in a Tomb Fork. When the peg is high, that means the value of the native token is a lot higher than the token it’s pegged to. At Impulse, that means that the APRs will be higher for longer in the boardroom. And that will mean that the share token will be of higher value for longer as well.
We’re also pretty thrilled to be pegged to Pulse, when Pulse is in its infancy stages. We can only imagine how many x’s our investors could potentially have on their money. And with the Treasury initiating the genesis, it also means the APRs will be higher for longer.
We’ve been behind the scenes for months working on this, strategizing on how to take an incredibly well oiled machine and make it operate even better!
Everything that is working for EMP will also be implemented into Impulse.
The infrastructure is already here. Our community is very well educated. And this just gives all of us the opportunity to earn with real exposure to another asset, while experiencing the power of what controlled inflation can do.
Join the community and learn more:
Official AMA announcement and deep dive : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpq3idibwCo
IMP Money: https://impulse.money/
Telegram: https://t.me/impulse_money
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/nVzKB2MSuq
Twitter: https://twitter.com/impulse_money
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emp.money/
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is intended to be considered investment advice. No one, including the author, the team or the publication shall hold responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own research before making any investment decisions. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes only.